
April 20, 2006

Notes from the Coliseum

The Tigers won 4 to 3, and only me and the guy in the orange and navy-blue striped polo shirt (where'd he get that?) out there with me in the "bleachers" were happy about it.

The Coliseum's bleachers are not bleachers; they are the same green plastic seats you get everywhere else in the stadium. I feel like launching into multiple stories of me in Tiger Stadium (the old one) as a kid and exchanging heckles, stats, etc.. with the "Bleacher Creature" beside me. In Oakland anyway, there are no Bleacher Creatures, there are just folks who realize that the tickets in Right or Left Field are also the cheapest. Energy level ultra-minimal.

I'm not sure why Tommy Craggs complained as much as he did in Slate about the upper deck being tarped. There were only 15K in attendance which meant that about half of the available seats went empty.


Blogger Ferndale Denizen said...

Thought you'd have come back for opening day. Militia Day-4/19-the big 3-8 came and went without a hitch.
Just got back from Phoenix and swear I saw a girl who could have been your sister at a benefit concert for the zoo.
Be well.

Blogger Mr. Horton said...

Me and Matthew dropped the opening day ball, as it were.

Sis in Pheonix RN at the Mayo. Proud Proud. Zooish, I dunno know, but not out of the question. Maybe you did see here. She has a bambino.

What's a fine radial tire gal like yourself doing mixing with the wild donkey (yes, there is one, I saw it) of Pheonix?

I got other questions, french related, oh my. b/c svp

Blogger Ferndale Denizen said...

Phoenix has been home to some of my favorite people- relatives and a good high school friend. It was a "spa" cum high school reunion, sans monsieur.

French questions-address to the e-mail if you'd like. The resident expert is out at his sailing class, but with all of these bloody degrees, I can fake it.

Tu me manques bien, mon vieux.

Blogger Mr. Horton said...

Faking it, what else is everyone doing? Unless it's winging-lite, or somesuch. The poetry folk might get all panty-bunched, but fuck them, American poetry at the moment is wanting. If you have my email, please email me. I don't think I have yours. I wd love to shit shop.

Blogger Ferndale Denizen said...

I will write right away, all right?

Blogger Mr. Horton said...


Blogger Ferndale Denizen said...

Look in your in-box.

Blogger Ferndale Denizen said...

I hope it's still the chase, und so weiter, address. Me- lm + last(married) name


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