
October 24, 2006

The schedule for tomorrow's remote site segment of the Chicago Calling Arts Festival (all times are Chicago time, West Coast subtract two hours, 7-9):

9:00-11:00 p.m. Loyola University, Lake Shore Campus Quinlan Life & Science Center, room 142, 6525 N. Sheridan Rd. This performance event involves improvisation with musicians and poets at Stanford University, The University of California at San Diego, and TheUniversity of Alaska at Fairbanks, through Internet 2. Christopher Sorg is facilitating the technical side of this performance event, which makes the internet connection possible.

at Loyola University:Fred Anderson -- tenor saxophone Jim Baker -- keyboard & electronics Mars Williams -- saxophones Josh Abrams -- double bass Joshua Manchester -- percussion

at Stanford University: Eric Glick Rieman -- prepared Fender Rhodes David Harrison Horton -- poetry Jim Ryan -- saxophones Chris Chafe -- laptop

at The University of Alaska at Fairbanks:Scott Deal -- percussion at The University of California at San Diego:Lisa Hemminger -- poetryJames Ilgenfritz -- double bassGrace Leslie -- flute

9:00 introductions
9:03 Fred Anderson, Josh Abrams, Eric Glick Rieman, Scott Deal, Mars Williams
9:07 Fred Anderson, James Ilgenfritz, Scott Deal
9:11 Mars Williams, Joshua Manchester, Lisa Hemminger, Jim Baker, Grace Leslie
9:15 Joshua Manchester, Lisa Hemminger, Jim Baker
9:19 Fred Anderson, Josh Abrams, Grace Leslie, Chris Chafe, David Harrison Horton
9:23 Fred Anderson, Josh Abrams, Jim Ryan
9:27 Chris Chafe, David Harrison Horton, Josh Abrams, Mars Williams, James Ilgenfritz
9:31 Mars Williams, Josh Abrams, Eric Glick Rieman
9:35 Eric Glick Rieman, James Ilgenfritz, Jim Ryan, Grace Leslie
9:39 Jim Ryan, Jim Baker, Scott Deal, Fred Anderson
9:43 James Ilgenfritz, Josh Abrams, Eric Glick Rieman, Jim Ryan
9:47 Chris Chafe, Joshua Manchester, Scott Deal, Eric Glick Rieman
9:51 Scott Deal, Joshua Manchester, Jim Ryan, Fred Anderson
9:54 everyone
10:00 3 minute break
10:03 Joshua Manchester & Scott Deal duet
10:11 Lisa Hemminger, Jim Baker, Fred Anderson, Grace Leslie
10:15 David Harrison Horton, Eric Glick Rieman, Scott Deal, Chris Chafe


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