
November 30, 2006

According to the thermometer on the fridge, it's 47° F (8.3° C) in the studio tonight and bound to get colder. I mean, it's nothing like the Blizzard of '78 in Montreal, where my uncle Ronny had to shovel a passageway out of the house because we were shut in by a snow drift (which if memory serves correctly he did in shorts, being from the Northwest Territory and all). I live in Oakland (1); I've only seen snow here once, and it was the kind of snow that melts before it hits the pavement, just a few early morning flakes really. But I've got-to-got-to buy some better gloves and an extra blanket or two this weekend.
(1) Tonianne, lifelong Bay Area resident and allstar human being, remembers about three inches of snow in February 1976.


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