
July 27, 2007

When I first arrived back in Oakland, I moved in to my friend (artist) Eric King's old place. He left me many useful things. A futon & frame, tenant-made walls that made sense, an artist studio big enough to house a piano and my disparate dabblings; he did me right.

In addition, he left me a plant, a peace lily, that sat in a dark corner for 2 years (out of my ignorance). I thought it was a green leaf plant and was happy with that.

I have since named the plant Oscar [it's the only other living thing in my studio, so I thought a name was appropriate] and transplanted it to my new place.

I put it in the newly moved into window, and it seems to be doing great. At the moment has a less than a half bloom (which it has had for four days now).

These are my question, how long does a peace lily take to full bloom? Have the cloudy mornings recently affected Oscar's decision to bloom?

Is there something [not expensive] I can do to usher the bloom?

Again, remember I thought this was a green leaf plant; I'm very excited to learn about it's flowering potential.

Some of you must be botanists.


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