October 12, 2007
from SPT:
all best,
David Buuck, Stephanie Young, and Cynthia Sailers
SPT PT 08 Committee poetstheater@gmail.com
For several years now, Small Press Traffic has been organizing an annual Poets'Theater Festival as our yearly fundraiser, with each year's event showcasingnew innovative works, often staged for the first time here in San Francisco. The festival has each year gathered huge audiences that come out to see writers & artists on stage, in innovative performance works, pushing the boundaries of theater and poetry in staged readings, musicals, neo-benshi film screenings, performance writing pieces, and the like. This year we are excited to have three nights of new programming, including a PoetsTheater revival night and a cabaret, as well as a night of newly commissioned plays and performance works.
We would like to invite you to consider contributing work for this year's cabaret - a full night of innovative performance works currently scheduled for Sunday Feb 3 at 21 Grand in Oakland, CA. We are looking for innovative performances in the avant-garde cabaret tradition. This could range from brief skits to musical acts, improvised performance to conceptual magic tricks, impromptu tableux vivants to feats of aesthetic daring. We could imagine instructional pieces a la Yoko Ono (to be performed by yourself or members of the audience), cross-genre collaborations, puppet shows, etc. The main constraints are that each piece be less than 5 minutes longe, require little-to-no technical support (beyond a microphone), and adhere to this year's theme, which is: "PERFORM YOUR SYMPTOM(S)"...
If you are interested, we would ask for a proposal for a work of NO MORE THAN FIVE MINUTES in length by NOVEMBER 1ST, to poetstheater@gmail.com . If you are unable to attend but would like to send in a proposal for someone else to perform on your behalf, that'd be great too. You should know that the Poets Theater Festival is out major fundraising vehicle for this year's budget, and we will thus be unable to offer you any money to participate. However, we can offer this unique opportunity to perform or have your work staged in front of a packed house of enthusiastic audience members, in the context of an ongoing and evolving community of avant-garde writers and performers.
Please let us know as soon as you can if you are interested, and please don'thesitate to email with questions and the like.
all best,
David Buuck, Stephanie Young, and Cynthia Sailers
SPT PT 08 Committee poetstheater@gmail.com
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