
December 30, 2007

The Union Herald Book List:

Samih Al-Qasim, Sadder than Water: New & Selected Poems, trans. Nazih Kassis (Ibis, 2006). 12-17-06.

Sinan Antoon, The Baghdad Blues (Harbor Mountain, 2007). 9-8-07.

Amiri Baraka, Somebody Blew Up America (Philipsburg, St. Martin: House of Nehesi, 2003). 9-25-05.

John Berryman, The Dream Songs (FSG, paperback 2007). 8-25-07.

Georges Bataille, Collected Poems (Dufour, 1999). 10-15-05.

Georges Bataille, The Impossible (City Lights, 1992). 10-26-05.

Tom Beckett, Little Book of Zombie Poems (2005). 2-13-06.

Robert Bringhurst, The Solid Form of Language (Graspereau Press, 2004). 8-15-07.

Melba Joyce Boyd and M. L. Liebler, Abandon Automobile: Detroit City Poetry 2001 (Wayne State UP, 2001). 3-1-06.

Michelangelo Buonarrota, Complete Poems and Selected Letters of Michelangelo, trans. Creighton Gilbert (Modern Library, 1965). 8-16-07.

Dan Buck, This Day's Wait (Highwater Books, 2001). 1-9-06.

Pierre Cabanne, Dialogues with Marcel Duchamp (Da Cappo, 1971). 6-25-06.

Carlota Caulfield, Angel Dust (Madrid: Betania, 1990). 10-6-05.

Carlota Caulfield, The Book of Giulio Camillo (Eboli, 2003). 10-6-05.

Jerome Ch’en, Mao and the Chinese Revolution, trans. Michael Bullock and Jerome Ch’en (London: Oxford UP, 1965). 9-18-07.

The City of Oakland, "Lake Merritt Canada Goose Management Study" (July 2007). 10-7-07.

Tom Clark, Disordered Ideas (Black Sparrow, 1987). 1-5-07.

Norma Cole, un petit a & a (Format Americain, 2005). 6-22-06.

Valerie Coulton, Passing World Pictures (Apogee, 2003). 9-30-07.

Morri Creech, Field Knowledge (Waywiser, 2006). 10-5-07.

Michael Cross (ed), Involuntary Vision (Avenue B, 2003). 11-20-06.

Michael Martin Day, China's Second World of Poetry: The Sichuan Avant-Garde, 1982-1992. 10-20-06.

Guy Debord, The Society of the Spectacle, trans. Donald Nicholson-Smith (Zone, 1995). 8-30-07.

Philip K. Dick, Humpty Dumpty in Oakland (Victor Gollancz, 1986). 2-26-07.

Stuart Dybek, Streets in Their Own Ink (FS&G, 2004). 10-28-07.

Geoffrey Dyer, The Dirty Halo of Everything (Krupskaya, 2003). 9-25-05.

Sergei Eisenstein, Film Form (Harcourt Brace, 1969). 9-8-05.

Franz Fanon, Black Skin White Mask (1967). 10-22-06.

Ernest Fenollosa, The Chinese Written Character as a Medium for Poetry (City Lights, 2001). 10-9-05.

Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Americus I (New Directions, 2004). 12-15-05.

Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Tryannus Nix? (New Directions, 1969). 12-15-05.

Robert Fitterman & Dirk Rowntree, War, the musical (subpress, 2006). 7-14-06.

Frank Gallagher, Days of Fear (Harper Bros., 1929). 4-20-06.

Albert Goldbarth, Of Like Mind: New and Selected Poems (Alaska Quarterly, 2006). 4-5-07.

Meg Hamill, Death Notices (Factory, 2007). 5-17-07 & 8-8-07.

Ho Xuan Huong, Spring Essences (Copper Canyon, 2000). 12-27-05.

Brain Howe, Guitar Smash (3rdness, 2006). 6-27-06.

Jack Kerouac, Some of the Dharma (Viking, 1991). 7-26-06.

Walter K. Lew, Treadwinds (Wesleyan, 2002). 5-20-06.

Mao Zedong, Reverberations: A New Translation of Complete Poems of Mao Tse-Tung, trans. by Nancy T. Lin (Hong Kong: Joint Publishing, 1980). 9-18-07.

Rosalie Moore, The Grasshopper's Man (Yale UP, 1949). 2-28-06.

Laura Moriarty, Self Destruction (Post-Apollo, 2004). 3-9-06.

Ryan Murphy, Down with the Ship (Seismicity, 2006). 2-26-06.

NBC, A Listener's Aid to Pilgrimage of Poetry: Ted Malone's Album of Poetic Shrines (NBC, 1939). 11-14-07.

Odia Ofeimun, A Feast of Return: Under African Skies (Lagos, Nigeria: Hornbill House, 2000). 8-14-06.

Tommy Olofsson, Elemental Poems (White Pine, 1991). 5-29-06.

Jose Ortega y Gasset, The Dehumanization of Art (Doubleday Anchor, 1956). 1-6-06.

Pat Parker, Movement in Black (Crossing Press, 1983). 5-8-07.

Plato, The Protagoras. 10-2-07.

Ishmael Reed, New and Collected Poems: 1964-2006 (Carrol & Graf, 2006). 11-19-06.

Gerhard Richter, The Daily Practice of Painting: Writings 1962-1993 (MIT, 1995). 10-2-05.

G. B. Ryan, Poems 17-20 (Elkhound, 2005). 12-28-05.

Dhooswan Saymi, The Eclipse (Kathmandu: Nepal Press, 1967). 9-15-06.

Spencer Selby, Twist of Address (Shearsman, 2007). 2-3-07.

Harvey Schwartz, The March Inland: Origins of the ILWU Warehouse Division 1934-1938 (ILWU, 2000). 6-11-06.

Dennis Somera, SpOAKlanD (Deep Oakland, 2007). 7-10-07.

Juliana Spahr, this connection of everyone with lungs (Univ of California, 2005). 12-

Chuck Stebelton, Circulation Flowers (Tougher Disguises, 2005). 1-14-06.

James Thomas Stevens and Caroline Sinavaiana, Mohawk/Samoa Transmigrations (Subpress 2006). 2-18-06.

Cole Swenson, Goest (Alice James, 2004). 9-15-05.

Evany Thomas and Amelia Bauer, The Secret Language of Sleep: A Couple’s Guide to the Thirty-Nine Positions (McSweeney’s Irregulars, 2006). 9-7-09.

Tristan Tzara, Seven DaDa Manifestos and Lampisteries, trans and ed. Barbara Wright. (Riverrun, 1992). 4-7-07.

Gautam Verma, In Ladakh (Shearsman Books, 2005). 4-22-06.

Wang Tao, "On Reform." Sources of Chinese Tradition. Vol 2: From 1600-through the Twentieth Century (Columbia Univ, 2000). 3-20-07.

Eliot Weinberger & Octavio Paz, Nineteen Ways of Looking at Wang Wei (1987). 1-9-07.

Rebekah Werth, Bison bison (Mr. Panda, 2005). 1-29-06.

Rebekah Werth, Megafauna & Amazing Power (Mr. Panda, 2006). 5-12-06.

Xenophon, Memorabilia. 11-30-06.

Ye Chen, Travel Over Water (Bitter Oleander, 2005). 4-8-06.

You Can't Blow Up a Social Relationship (See Sharp, 1998). 1-9-06.

Stephanie Young, Telling the Future Off (Tougher Disguises, 2005). 2-16-06.


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