
April 1, 2008

How things went my way today:

1. Woke up and listened to NPR Morning Edition for an hour [6am].

2. Talked with Sha [7 am].

3. Ran part of the lake & went to the gym [8 am].

4. Watched the Thomas Crown Affair (Steve McQueen version) [9:30-11].

5. Ate salmon & watermelon for brunch [10:30].

6. Read Small Talk on the bus ride into work. See awesome Sakkis bio below [12 noon].

7. Nothing at work fucked up; in fact, I think (somewhat idiotically) I might be caught up from my week off in Brooklyn [12:30-5:30].

8. Tonianne, my boss, was nice enough to give me a ride to the A's game. She's awesome like that. She told me about her childhood history with the neighborhood between High Street & the Coliseum. She has very deep community roots to the East Bay area.

In fact, her brother wrote a book about their family going to A's games back in the day (Reggie Jackson days) and what it meant to them as a family & what those games meant to the East Bay as a community [5:30ish].

9. I was at opening day. The best day of the year. Now I have a legitimate place to focus my necessity for chaotic cohesion & mathematics without having to go further into my limited study of chess [7:05].

9A. An aside, I am thinking of learning the methods of playing the ponies, since I have what seems a legit horse track in the neighborhood. I picked up a couple of books while I was in Brooklyn that educate the uninitiated as to how to read & decipher the horse sheets, as well as understand what to look for in racing horses in general. I plan to start at the $2 bet line until it becomes clearer. I'm willing to lose $20 in an afternoon to be outside (fresh air fee) the whole time learning from others.

10. Had a seat in center field (section 240, the cheap seats) which I prefer because you can see the pitches. Changed seats in the 5th inning to sit next to Dillon & Corrie in right field (section 203). It's nice being with friends in the ballpark, even more so when it's opening day an the Athletics are playing Boston. A Boston game at Oakland is almost a hometown game for the Red Sox. Sox fans litter the stadium. It's the same for the Yankees. Glad I was with Athletics folk.

11. Corrie was nice enough to give me a ride to my place from the BART station [10ish].


Blogger Cori B. said...

Hey David, It was fun going to the game the other night. No problem giving you a ride... It's fun getting your name in a blog, it's almost like getting it in the paper. Let's do another game sometime. Go As!
- Cori (your spelling of it is one of the most inventive i've ever seen, i like it)


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