
July 24, 2008

Ron's post the other day got me curious about how many other journals might've called themselves simply "Work" over the years (as opposed to say "Work Papers" or somesuch). After scanning the first 3,000 entries out of 12,680 of serial titles conatining the word work on the Worldcat Database, here's what I've found so far:

Work (Detroit, 1965-6). Artist's Workshop.
Work (San Francsco, 1975-?). Edited by Geoff Young & Steve Davis. Possibly only one issue.
Work: A literary journal (San Francisco, 1994-?). From Wagging Tale.

Maybe literary:
Work (Toronto, 1994).
Work (NY, 2004- ).

Work (Jacksonville IL, 1875-?). Jacksonville YMCA.
Work (London, 1889-93). "An illustrated magazine of practice and theory for all workmen, professional and amateur."
Work (NY, 1918). Robert L. Stillson Company.
Work (Washington DC, 1938-40). Workers Alliance of America.
Work (Chicago, 1943-61). Catholic Labor Alliance.
Work (Tel Aviv, 1950-69). General Federation of Labor in Israel.
Work (Boca Raton FL, 1972- ) Social Issues Resource Series.
Work (Goteborg, 1995- ). Something to do with buildings.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny. Seems that in Old English 'work' carried the sense of 'fornication':


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