
December 09, 2008

J.D. Mitchell-Lumsden. In Vehicular 1 (2008): 3-17.

The opening poem "Resolution" sets the stage for everything that follows: it is a literal annulment through striking out the text of a congressional resolution. The next page offers a consideration of ecology and a natural order of things: "I am doing a report on an ocean ecosystem," which quickly attacks convenional morality: " Who could doubt that a firm belief in Genesis blinds principles of the symbiotic, suggesting strong romantic or sexual themes are to be avoided." Mitchell-Lumsden then begins to offer the reader structures of time & politics and economics, formulas & schema thereof to show how we become removed from the "mutual places" symbiotic, reciprical relationships.

Edited by Sara Wintz and Christiana Baik, of the Press Gang, the issue also includes 15 pages from Evan Abandoned.


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