
March 2, 2010

Having yet more problems with proxies getting blocked, but am perservering.

1. CA Conrad's The Book of Frank (Chax, 2009) is as good as everyone has been saying. There are too many favorite bits to list, but I especially liked when Frank goes mano a mano with Berryman's Henry:

"come any closer" Frank
warns Huffy Henry
"I'll pull you in
my sleeve!"

anyone wants to know

the lump is just a
meal I'm digesting"

There's enough in these 7 lines for a graduate student to write a term paper, and every page is equally loaded with meaning, emotion and pulse. This book's heart beats like a man about to get into a fight, which it does. Frank fights with his past, the canon, himself, existence . . . It's a beautiful piece of work.

2. Had to buy a new computer, since the other gave up the ghost much too soon but just out of warranty. I got a MacBook.

3. There's been a much heavier police/military presence around Tiananmen the last couple of days. This happens every now and again, but it always makes me very nervous.

4. Recently watched this: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTM2MzY5MDky.html

5. This morning I am drinking Da Bai Hao (大白毫) Tea. It's a jasmine tea from Anhui province. It has a very mild jasmine flavor. Very light taste perfect for early mornings.


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