Uaggggggchhhh! Today's loss made me want to burn Beijing down, down, all the way to cinders (a normal Detroiter reaction [see Gabby Gusset's recent FB posts]).
Nonetheless, it was a shit start to a shit day. Games here are usually 8 am ordeals. By my first class at 11, I knew the Tigers were packing it in. I took my Detroit away-cap off and soldiered on through the day, quietly wishing everyone would spontaneously combust.
Yeah, they did that this morning. Still a hard row to hoe.
Bummer about Texas- even though I am a fan of Ron Washington, I really wanted a Tiger's-Brewer's WS.
Uaggggggchhhh! Today's loss made me want to burn Beijing down, down, all the way to cinders (a normal Detroiter reaction [see Gabby Gusset's recent FB posts]).
Nonetheless, it was a shit start to a shit day. Games here are usually 8 am ordeals. By my first class at 11, I knew the Tigers were packing it in. I took my Detroit away-cap off and soldiered on through the day, quietly wishing everyone would spontaneously combust.
I hope Verlander gets MVP.
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